Hari Meyers
Storyteller, Writing Coach & Mentor
Welcome to my website.

Hari Meyers is passionate about classical literature, art and music. He always seeks to move his understanding to the highest and most ennobling of archetypes. Born in 1940, he now considers himself a “blessing elder” and he blesses his community with the transmission of mythic stories, his exuberant optimism and unbounded love of life.
He grew up in Philadelphia, attended St. John’s College in Annapolis, Maryland (1958 - 62), University of California, Berkeley, (1962 to 65), B,A, and M.A. in English. He has an M.A. n Counseling from Sonoma State (1982 - 85) and worked for 15 years as a licensed Family Therapist.
He traveled and lived in India from 1967 to 1969 and has made seven subsequent journeys there over the past five decades. He has also travelled other parts of Asia, Europe and Mexico and from November 1999 to March 2020 he was employed as a story-teller and lectured on a small cruise ship that circumnavigated the entire globe.
He has been an organizer and facilitator of the Redwood Men Center’s annual retreat and conference since its inception (1990) to its present 29th gathering.
He is a loving father and a committed friend.